6.1 - Product Strategy

6.1.1 What are the features of your product or service?


  1. Particle size analysis - When working with soils for engineering purposes, it is always necessary to properly classify the soil with which one is working. This is so that engineers who might later attempt to interpret results from a particular job will know with some certainty the type of soil involved. These types of soils can then be correlated to their engineering properties. One of the main descriptors of soil used for engineering purposes is the distribution of grain sizes in the soil mass. The most common method of obtaining information regarding this distribution is analysis using sieves. This procedure is usually performed using 8 inch woven wire sieves.
  2. Moisture content - In almost all soil tests natural moisture content of the soil is to be determined. The knowledge of the natural moisture content is essential in all studies of soil mechanics. To sight a few, natural moisture content is used in determining the bearing capacity and settlement. The natural moisture content will give an idea of the state of soil in the field
  3. Atterberg limit - The Atterberg limits are a basic measure of the nature of a fine-grained soil. Depending on the water content of the soil, it may appear in four states: solid, semi-solid, plastic and liquid. In each state the consistency and behavior of a soil is different and thus so are its engineering properties. Thus, the boundary between each state can be defined based on a change in the soil's behavior. The Atterberg limits can be used to distinguish between silt and caly, and it can distinguish between different types of silts and clays
  4. Specific gravity test - The ratio of the unit weight of a material to the unit weight of distilled water at 4°C is a common definition of specific gravity. Soil specific gravities, however, are normally referred to the weight of water at 20°C. In itself, the specific gravity is not an index property of a soil. It is, however, required for determination of the unit weight of a soil and in many computations
  5. Consolidation Test - This test is performed to determine the magnitude and rate of volume decrease that a laterally confined soil specimen undergoes when subjected to different vertical pressures. From the measured data, the consolidation curve (pressure-void ratio relationship) can be plotted. This data is useful in determining the compression index, the recompression index and the preconsolidation pressure (or maximum past pressure) of the soil. In addition, the data obtained can also be used to determine the coefficient of consolidation and the coefficient of secondary compression of the soil
  6. Triaxial compression test - The triaxial compression test is used to measure the shear strength of a soil under controlled drainage conditions. In the conventional triaxial test, a cylindrical specimen of soil encased in a rubber membrane is placed in a triaxial compression chamber, subjected to a confining fluid pressure, and then loaded axially to failure. Connections at the ends of the specimen permit controlled drainage of pore water from the specimen. The test is called "triaxial" because the three principal stresses are assumed to be known and are controlled. Prior to shear, the three principal stresses are equal to the chamber fluid pressure
  7. Consolidated undrained triaxial test - This method determines the angle of internal friction (φ) and cohesion (c) strength parameters of soils by triaxial compression testing. When pore pressures are measured, the effective values of internal friction and cohesion,(φ') and (c') respectively, can be calculated. The values given in parentheses (if provided) are not standard and may not be exact mathematical conversions. Use each system of units separately. Combining values from the two systems may result in nonconformance with the standard
  8. Direct Shear - In many engineering problems such as design of foundation, retaining walls, slab bridges, pipes, sheet piling, the value of the angle of internal friction and cohesion of the soil involved are required for the design. Direct shear test is used to predict these parameters quickly. The laboratory report covers the laboratory procedures for determining these values for cohesion less soils
  9. Point load test - Point load testing is used to determine rock strength indexes in geotechnical practice. The point load test apparatus and procedure enables economical testing of core or lump rock samples in either a field or laboratory setting. In order to estimate uniaxial compressive strength, index-to-strength conversion factors are used

Field Testing

  1. Boring test - Boreholes are advanced using rotary wash boring in cutting tools is rotated by a drilling rig while water or drilling mud is pumped down the drill rods to wash soil cuttings to ground level. The sides of the boreholes are usually supported are usually supported either by casing or by drilling mud consisting of water/betonies mixture. As the borehole is advanced, samples of soil or ground water are takes at specified depth by the technique described later on this sheet or elsewhere. Boring in soil is continued until are specific resistances is reached either according to the Standard Penetration Test (SPT) or a specific depth. Record s of ground water level are made by measuring depth tow water at beginning and end of each day work
  2. Field inspection vane - Field inspection vane tester is used to determine the maximum shearing force that can be exercised on soil. Measurement in the field (on the surface, in profile pits or at the bottom of bore holes) as well as in the laboratory (on samples) are possible. There are 3 different models for shear stress measurement with a large range up to 200kpa to a depth of 10m.
  3. Dynamic cone penetrometer - used to evaluate the thickness and the soil bearing capacity of the subbase and subgrade soil in site .The handling is quite simple where it needs three people in conducting tests using the DCP that is one to hold the apparatus vertically from the surface of the ground, one to lift and drop the weight and the other one is to record number of blows
  4. Proving Ring Penetrometer - cone type of penetrometer which can be used in a number of applications. It serves as a rapid means for determining the penetration resistance of soils in shallow exploration work. The reading obtained in this method may be correlated to standard or modified compaction data for compaction control in the field. Trafficability relationships can be obtained for quick field evaluation of sites. Correlation with the CBR or bearing capacity tests can be established by the user


  1. Foundation - The preparation of strong building foundation in accordance to works specification is important in any structure or building construction. Understanding and exposure towards soil testing, supervision of deep and shallow foundation works and pile load testing aspects are required to ensure building foundation is constructed safely, strongly and in accordance with the design requirements and specifications
  2. Retaining wall - The design of retaining walls requires a thorough knowledge of structural and geotechnical engineering. This does not mean that one person has to design every aspect of a retaining wall. Design loads and allowable pressures recommended by a geotechnical engineer are often later used by a structural engineer to design the wall. The following design procedures convey general methods and do not address every design situation
  3. Geo-material - Geo-materials are including soil, rock, and concrete which are the common building materials for civil and defense structures. Our services are to test these properties and design suitable structure for used in civil engineering works
  4. Soil Improvement - ground improvement is a controlled alteration of the state, nature or mass behavior of ground materials in order to achieve an intended satisfactory response to existing or projected environmental and engineering actions. A vast number of the new development nowadays takes place on a poor ground and this is will give a challenge to the geotechnical engineer in designing a foundation performance at a low cost. Ground improvement has a long history and it has been suggested that soil improvement is probably the oldest of all common execution methods in civil engineering

6.1.2 How will your product or service benefit the costumer?

Good Quality Customer Service

The best organizations always put their customers first, and we want to be the best. QGES have taken a long, hard look at how we do things to come up with a better way wherever possible. Our aim is to make our service to the public as good and customer-friendly as it can be. Our aim is to put costumer and service first

Good Quality Result Service

QGES quality result service is defined by the standards and expectations of customers. QGES will present factual report base on customers' requirements as follows :-

  1. Maintain record of samples received for testing and storage
  2. Perform any or a combination test according to specifications and international standards
  3. Verify for additional instruction to test variations on specific test methods
  4. Provide a summary of tests results for overall presentation
  5. Specify fastest delivery time based on test duration and capacity
  6. Provide technical competence to deal with enquiries on uncertainties of test results
  7. Provide track record and approval of engineering consultants who require the quality data

6.1.3 What is your Unique Selling Proposition?

QGES has applied accreditation from internationally accepted standards by SAMM produce our services. All services that were provide as the copyrights, trademarks or other intellectual properties owned by QGES.

QGES provided good services where once the laboratory testing or field testing is applied the design will be proceed on time. Our service is important in preventing an error occurred in designing. So that, client will take this advantages to rerun the testing to ensure the data collected is accurate or not.

Determined to maintain and meet the levels of satisfaction expected by clients, QGES Top Management is committed to continually improve our proven processes by identifying future actions to improve our performance. Our control measures are designed to ensure risk is as low as reasonably practicable. Management at all levels must develop and promote these processes by setting targets, involving and motivating all staff, in the pursuit of quality products and services

6.2 - Pricing Strategy

6.2.1 – What is the cost of your product or service?


6.2.2 – How does the pricing of your product or service compare to the market similar products or services?

The service rate that has been charge by QGES is a very competitive price. The rate is been made by doing a price analysis and the suggested price is based on the average price from the various company which provide the same services. This service rate is very tolerable and can be negotiate based on the size of project. If the customer has a big size of project, the service rate can be reduced because large project will reduce cost of services by QGES such as transportation and the usage of equipment

6.3 - Distribution Strategy

6.3.1 How is your product or service going to get to the customers?

Frequently there may be a chain of intermediaries; each passing the product down the chain to the next organization, before it finally reaches the consumer or end-user. This process is known as the 'distribution chain' or the 'channel.' Each of the elements in these chains will have their own specific needs, which the producer must take into account, along with those of the all-important end-user

A number of alternate 'channels' of distribution may be available
  • Selling direct, such as via mail order, Internet and telephone sales
  • Agent, who typically sells direct on behalf of the producer
  • Distributor (also called wholesaler), who sells to retailers
  • Retailer (also called dealer or reseller), who sells to end customers
  • Advertisement typically used for consumption goods

Quantum Geotechnical Engineering Services has used Direct to Customer method to deliver our service widely. There are some benefits of Direct to Customer method that are

  1. Direct-to-customer sales are growing faster than retail overall
  2. The most profitable customers buy through multiple channels – store, catalog, online
  3. Customers want a uniform brand experience across all channels
  4. Impact of shipping cost on order size, shopping cart abandonment
  5. Advertising revenue for radio, newspaper is declining, while online ads are nearly
  6. Sold out – based largely on the ability to target customers
  7. Brands adapt to fit the direct-to-customer space

There is some reason why Direct to Customer method was used at Quantum Geotechnical Engineering Services. One of that it was influenced by where is the market of Direct to Customer is going. Below are some of reasons why Direct to Customer can influence the market

  1. Channel conflict is losing it’s influence
  2. As affluence increases, the importance of convenience grows
  3. Direct-to-customer channel will continue to grow
  4. Customers expect a online presence where they can research and buy
  5. Customers expect to interact with the brand via email or online
  6. Customers will post their opinions and stories about your brand online where everyone can read them
  7. Merchants are still learning the nuances of customer acquisition, customer retention, life-time-value, and share-of-customer – all well established principles of direct marketing

6.3.2 What distribution channel is going to be used?

Distribution Channel Strategies is depending on the type of product being distributed there are three common distribution strategies available

  1. Intensive distribution: Used commonly to distribute low priced or impulse purchase products example chocolates, soft drinks
  2. Exclusive distribution: Involves limiting distribution to a single outlet. The product is usually highly priced, and requires the intermediary to place much detail in its sell. An example of would be the sale of vehicles through exclusive dealers
  3. Selective Distribution: A small number of retail outlets are chosen to distribute the product. Selective distribution is common with products such as computers, televisions household appliances, where consumers are willing to shop around and where manufacturers want a large geographical spread

If a manufacturer decides to adopt an exclusive or selective strategy they should select a intermediary which has experience of handling similar products, credible and is known by the target audience

Quantum Geotechnical Engineering Services has decided to use exclusive distribution based on some reasons :-
  1. In an exclusive distribution, Quantum Geotechnical Engineering Services and client agree that the client will deal exclusively with Quantum Geotechnical Engineering Services for any inconvenience or dissatisfaction of our service
  2. Exclusive distribution strategy was used by Quantum Geotechnical Engineering Services because of high-priced services, whereby Quantum Geotechnical Engineering Services grant certain dealers exclusive territorial rights to sell the site investigation report
  3. Exclusive distribution gives Quantum Geotechnical Engineering Services greater control over the way the service is done either for lab testing or compilation of report
  4. Exclusive distribution was chosen because Quantum Geotechnical Engineering Services have just one outlet in a relatively large area. Exclusive distribution is suitable because products purchased from Quantum Geotechnical Engineering Services is infrequently, and service from Quantum Geotechnical Engineering Services was classified as a last for a long time
  5. Quantum Geotechnical Engineering Services choose the exclusive distribution because no one able to undercut them. (Place Utility)
  6. Exclusive distribution tends to be used to introduce new company like Quantum Geotechnical Engineering Services, and then change when market is more competitive (Move from introduction to the growth stage of the product life cycle

6.3.3 What are the delivery term ? How will the distribution method affect production time frame or delivery ?

For your information, the duration for the delivery service to the customer is depending on type of test and the type of soil. Normally, to get the final result after test, the overall duration for a certain project is maximum 1 month. In case that there have a trouble in the site area, the duration is depend on the site problem. A certain case, to get the final result, the duration is reach to
2 to 3 month. More detail on the delivery term of our services are as follows :-

The delivery can be divided into 4 zone which are :
North zone - include Pulau Pinang, Kedah, Perlis
South zone - include Johor, Melaka, Negeri Sembilan
West zone - include
Kuala Lumpur, Selangor
East zone - include Terengganu, Kelantan & Pahang

The delivery terms by zone :-

North Zone - Within 5 days

South Zone - Within 4 days
West Zone - Within 3 days
East Zone - Within 2 days

* After complete all the laboratory test

6.3.4 How are your products to be package for shipping and for display ?

6.3.5 Does the packaging meet all regulatory requirements?

Quantum Geotechnical Engineering Services Sdn. Bhd. (QGES) is provided a service in the geotechnical engineering works and testing either laboratory or field testing. As the final result, we will produce the report from the testing

To make sure the quality of product fulfill requirements of ISO/IEC Guide 25 (1990), our laboratories will assesses, accredits and monitors by Skim Akreditasi Makmal Malaysia (SAMM). Other than that, the testing and report requirement are follow the standard of Jabatan Kerja Raya (JKR)

In the process of completing the report, all the data and results of the testing and design have been done must endorse by Laboratory Executive and Senior Engineer. This is to make sure that the work is control by experienced and expertise officer

6.3.6 Is the packaging appropriate coded, priced and complimentary to the product.

The product of our company will coded by using Reference Series No. Every project that get will give Reference Series No to help our company to manage or refer if any problems occurs. For examples

The price of services is depends on:-

The size of the project
Size of the project will decide number of testing have to do. Big project will have high cost. This is because it has to do more detail and more point has to test

Type of testing done
Every test has its own difficulty. Beside that, each test will used different apparatus and tools. So, the price is different for each test.

Condition of site for field testing
Condition of site such as the accessibility, geologic feature, vegetation and others will affect the difficulty of the field testing

Design for geotechnical structure.
There are four design services that provide are foundation, retaining wall, soil improvement and geo-materials. This service is add-on to the other two services which is the information from the testing will be used in design the structures

6.3.7 What minimum inventory level must be maintained to ensure that there is no loss of sales due to problems such as late shipment and back orders?

For shipping process, our company use ‘Safe Trade Shipping’ in purpose to make sure the report will delivered on time. Our company had cooperated with courier services company to do shipping work. In Safe Trade Shipping, courier services company inform our company when the report had been delivered to customer. Means that, progress during the shipping process will be inform to our company. Therefore, we can make sure that the product is delivered to the customer

6.4 - Credit Policy

6.4.1 What system will be used for processing orders, shipping, and billing?

Our services are simple to serve. For processing orders, shipping and billing there are two systems that we have provided for our convenience


In this self-billing, clients just only come to office for settle all of the processing orders, shipping and billing. Figure 1.0 shows the flow of costing in self-billing process

Tendering method

This method of payment are involved a client who enter the project up to RM 500,000.00. When clients enter the tendering process, all the process of orders, shipping and billing will be allocate under tender and the receipt as return. Figure 2.0 shows the tendering process

6.4.2 What methods of payment will customers be able to use?

As we are provided bigger services major in geotechnical, all of the payments about our services will be turn in form as below:

Electronic payment system such as credit card

Down payment

Self Billing
Clients who are in self billing, they are not considering to pay a down payment for some limitation. They are free to pay for a certain amount. Generally is 30% and above from total cost of the project

Clients are able to pay a down payment first before running the project then the balance will be settled after completion of the project. There are actually 5% from the total cost of the all project

Pay after completion the project

Pay all the costing after completion of the project. Client who pays the total cost after the completion of the project without any down payment, interest about 2% will be added to the total cost of the project. Otherwise, clients will give a penalty for the late of the payments. All the payments should be paid a week after completion of the project.

6.4.4 What is your return policy?

If you receive an incorrect, damaged or defective result, you can request a replacement. Return it with the original receipt and original report of the date of purchase. All units are subject to a comprehensive set of tests/ analysis as part of the service, recalibration and test process. Any customer reported faults or concerns are investigated and rectified. Based on our company, if our customer complain about the test that had already done at site, maybe the result is not fulfill the standard, we will give the service in order to comply the request of our customer. As for example, the test will be able to run are soil investigation, boring test, mackintosh probe test and others. Besides that, we also provide the new report which is contain with the current result of test that already done base on the customer demand. For the payment, we'll also pay the return shipping costs if the return is a result of our error. The shipping cost of that returned item will be deducted from your refund. The amount deducted will be equivalent to ourstandard shipping cost for that item. The delivery report is depending on the distance between head office and site area

6.4.5 What warranties will the customer be offered? Describe these or any other service guarantees?

Our company will provide the warranty for the customer. We stand one year warranty on all supplied such as material and machinery. Besides that, for any incorrect and defective data we even give warranty for 6 months. Based on our business, which is give the geotechnical services, absolutely our company will fulfill the customer demand in order to give the best result and good quality according to the SAMM (Skim Akreditasi Makmal Malaysia) standard. All the result after done the field and laboratory testing is officially obtained the confirmation from the SAMM accreditation. Between the SAMM, other warranty is obtain the requirement base on ISO/IEC Guide 25 (1990) certified company. We have our own recognized test laboratory to check the quality & for pre shipment inspections.

6.4.6 What after sales support will you offer customer and what will you charge (if anything) for this support?

Our company will provide the consultancy especially in design services. The design services are including designing in geotechnical structures such as foundation, retaining wall, soil improvement and geo-materials. Between this services, we also provide the second copy of the report if had a request from the customer, but the testing that will be done is based on the test that offered to the customer

6.4.7 Is there or system for customer feedback so customer satisfaction (or the lack of it) can be tracked and addressed?

6.5 - Advertising & Promotion Plan

6.5.1 Think first of the message that you want to send to your targeted audience?

“No Project Is Too Small For Us To Undertake And We Guarantee To Put The Customer First Always Because We Are The Best Soil Explorer’’ is Quantum Geotechnical Engineering Services first message to Quantum Geotechnical Engineering Services client which meets to our vision to give the best service to our client.

6.5.2 Which media will be most effective in reaching your target market?

Quantum Geotechnical Engineering Services choose four medium in order to promote our services which are website, and magazines and directory

We believe that nowadays situation, internet will be the best choice to advertise our company to public. There are two sources for us to promote our service in website. Firstly Quantum Geotechnical Engineering Services will have our own company website which provides all the detail of our services and our company. Secondly, we will also publish our advertisement at advertisement webpage which are yellow pages online, web portal Malaysia.com and Malaysia directory.com

As we know, most magazines have a very specific readership based on factors such as interests, age, and gender. By leveraging readership demographics, Quantum Geotechnical Engineering Services instantly ensure that our message is being seen by the right people by advertise it in IEM magazine and Forbes. Quantum Geotechnical Engineering Services choose half-page, color and glossy format for advertisement on the selected magazines. Quantum Geotechnical Engineering Services also proposed to advertise at the selected magazines for about 6 months per magazine

The directory that we used is Yellow Pages which have been known that it was used widely either in Malaysia or others country. All of business information will be provided here. Yellow pages is the stage where customers choosing a company by comparing products and services

6.5.3 How much of your annual advertising budget you are going to spend on each medium?

Cost for construct our own website is RM 2000 for maintenance and server payment and for advertise at others website, we spend about RM 2000 per year

Quantum Geotechnical Engineering Services spend about RM4000 to advertise our project at magazines. We will spend RM 2000 for each magazine per year

Cost for advertise at directory segment is about RM 2000 per one directory.

6.5.4 What percentage of your annual advertising budget?

The percentage of advertising budget for magazines is the highest compare to website and directory. This is because, even we believe that website will give the high expectation for customer about us; we also find another medium to convince our customer about our services

6.5.5 If it is appropriate to your business you may want to incorporate sales promotion activities into your advertising and promotion plan, such as offering free samples, coupons, point of purchase displays, product demonstrations?

Advertising and promotion is very important to attract the customer to use our company services. For that purpose, QGES develop a plan to promote the service offered. To make our company well known over the public especially in construction field, we planned to advertise our company through:

Magazines - Magazines ads can get quite expensive. However, it very effective to find out if there's a magazine that focuses on your particular industry. Such as, our company does geotechnical service, so we will used magazine which focus in construction industry such Engineer Magazines. If there is one, then the magazine can be very useful because it already focuses on your market and potential customers. Consider placing an ad or writing a short article for the magazine

Newsletters - These methods can be powerful means to conveying the nature of our organization and services. This is using a consultant for the initial design and layout. It is quite inexpensively because it is can be only done by generate using desktop publishing tools and produce an interesting newsletters

Newspapers (major) - Almost everyone reads the local, major newspapers. So, we can get our business in the newspaper by placing ads, writing a letter to the editor or working with a reporter to get a story written about our business. Advertising can get quite expensive. Newspaper are often quite useful in giving advice about what and how to advertise. The time to advertise is depends on the buying habits of our customers

For the starting our company known well, our company will give discounts to customer and getting the testimonials. The testimonial also can be use in advertising our services. Discounts will also give to regular customer and depends on the package choice

6.5.6 Marketing materials

6.5.7 Publicity

To generate publicity, another avenue of promotion will be done. Such as:

Annual reports - Disseminate these to key stakeholders which it can ripe with information if they include an overview of our company’s year's activities, accomplishments, challenges and financial status

Collaboration or strategic restructuring – these is done when our organization is undertaking these activities and celebrate it publicly

Networking - Spread the word to peers, professional organizations and those with who interact outside the organizations such as educators, consultants, suppliers, clients, etc.

Novelties - It seems more common to find ads placed on pens and pencils, coffee cups, T-shirts, etc. These can be powerful means of advertising if indeed current and potential customers see the novelties. This condition often implies additional costs to mail novelties, print T-shirts and so on. All of these also can given to customer and promote our company services

Relationships with key stakeholders – At least one representative from each major stakeholder group will identify and take them to lunch once a year. What seem as short, informal exchanges can cultivate powerful relationships of interest and concern

Special events -- These tend to attract attention, and can include, e.g., an open house, granting a special award, announcing a major program or service or campaign, etc

Special offers -- We see these offers all the time. They include, for example, coupons, discounts, sweepstakes, sales, etc

Sponsorships – the advertising also can be done by being a main sponsor to the student activities which related with our services and can generate a publicity of our companies

6.5.8 Your business web site

Quantum Geotechnical Engineering Services have produced our own website at http://quantum-geotech.blogspot.com/ Our website has some criteria that fit into our advertisement and promotion plan

Another than that, we will also want to place the comment segment from our client at our website which will give some information about their experience towards our services. We also will place our previous and current project to show to public our company has potential to be a huge company

6.5.9 Tradeshows

Tradeshows is also one of effective method for advertising. Our company can join in any event such as local seminar, exhibition, convention, expo, seminar and so on. In this event, we can give a short presentation or explanation about our services. In addition, we can distribute brochures or pamphlet of service. It's amazing that one can send out 500 brochures and be lucky to get 5 people who respond.

For the starting, our company was planning to held a launching ceremony at the first day opening. The event will held at QGES Head Office, Construction Town Putra Square. The objective of this event is to introduce our company to customer especially in construction field. In the event, we will invite Director of Public Work Department, director of construction company, and person that involved in construction. QGES will spend about RM 3500 for the launching ceremony. Beside that, the promotion also given 10% discount to 20 first customer. The discount is given to appreciate the support from the customer.